Dick Pics

I get a bunch of emails, some great, some nasty but overall pretty good.  I don’t always have time to reply, unless of course it is a member in which case I really make sure that I reply as promptly as possible (I love my members).

Some emails I receive as just nice saying how much someone loved a story I wrote or about how great it is for them to find a site like mine.  And sometimes I get a dick pics (not all dick pics are made equal).  This one is pretty good though, hence why I’m sharing it with you guys.  Here is the email that came with it, I’ve removed anything ‘personal’ as per the senders request.

Hi Dave,

I’m sure you get loads of emails but just wanted to send a message to say hi (with a couple of private pics!). I’m straight (bi-curious) but I’ve been following your blog for a few years. Speedos are my guilty pleasure.. I can’t get enough of seeing guys in speedos and I get hard within seconds of putting mine on! I never wear them in public though which is a shame, would be great to have a few guys to hang out with in speedos and have fun with like in your stories.

I’m living in Asia at the moment and bought these arenas, tight but a nice fit. Hope you like the pics.

Lots of love.

Speedo Pics Submission

And here is a second pic…. that is one tastey looking cock isn’t it!!!  And HUGE!!!

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The second pic, the dick pic, is only available to blog members.  Click here, it is only $5 to become a blog member.

Speedos, gateway to gay?

Here is a question for you guys…. are speedos a gateway to gay?

I personally thing yes.

My first gay experiences all involved speedos and I’m pretty sure if I didn’t have a speedo fetish I wouldn’t have been horny enough to take the one great leap… and put a penis in my mouth.  I’m not saying that everyone who loves speedos is gay or even bisexual, but it is speedos which turns me on to a guy.

Seriously, if I see a guy in dork shorts I won’t think much about it.  But if a guy is wearing speedos, I’m thinking sex.

Hottub in SpeedosSpeedo Hottub

18yo Tom

Back in May I wrote in detail about a young guy called Tom (not his real name since he asked me not to disclose it).

Tom just finished his final year of high school and was on the swimming teaming.  He is a fan of mine and emailed me saying his folks have a vacation home nearby and wondered if we could catch up.  The final line in Tom’s email was that he had never been fucked and wanted to.

The first time I met Tom, Alex came along.  It was pretty hot – click here to read about it.  Since then we caught up once, Tom was pretty busy being final year at school and all.

Now I am happy to report though, Tom has graduated and is going to be spending most of the summer break before uni on the coast here.  I think this is going to be a fun summer – hehehehe (evil laugh).  Tom came around last night and the only way to describe what happened is to say that he ‘fucked my brains out’.

I think I’ll finish writing about my first time with Tom, and Alex first and I’m sure we are going to have some adventures this summer.

If you haven’t read it, make sure you read about it here.

My Eyes are Square

The end of the calendar year in Australia is always hectic, it is the middle of summer, the middle of school holidays and everything it feels is a cluster.

But for me, that is when things get a little quieter – I’m guessing people all over the world are busy that time of year so they aren’t buying as much gay speedo porn so I get to be a little more chilled out than usual.

I have a list of things to share with you guys this week:

  1. I need to sit down and tell you about Alex and his boyfriend (Adam) playing with me at Birdie Beach last Monday.
  2. The underwear give away for people who join SwimmerBoyz.com went off!!!  So much so, the guys from Mensuas (type in www.Mensuas.com) have given me another 10 pairs to give away.  So the offer still stands.
  3. I have half written a blog post asking you guys if you think speedos are a gateway to gay experiences and more specifically, are red speedos a gateway to gay experiences.  My vote is yes but I’ll explain why I had this thought in detail.
  4. I have 2 awesome movies which I will make available to blogs members first thing tomorrow – you aren’t a blog member?  Click here and join for just $5 for a whole month.  Nice way to show your support and help keep this blog alive.

OK, so 4 blog posts in 4 days….. there are a total of 2,655 published posts on this blog already.  I think I can handle it.

I’m off for a quick walk along the beach and a dip, I have honestly been sitting here all day and my eyes are going square.

Stretching in Speedos

Free Undies

Does anyone else have a hangover from the US Election?  I know people who have hangovers from being gutted/disappointed, but I also know so people who have a hangover from celebrating and are optimistic.

This blog is about speedos and I’m sure everyone has had to deal with the social media barrage over the last couple of days so I’m going to keep me mouth shut on the topic (I don’t get to vote in the US election so my opinion has zero weighting as well).  And I hate it when celebrities or athletes come out and talk politics – I’m a celebrity right?

On to some awesome news – I received an email from the guys over at Mensuas (Mensuas.com – copy/paste that address) and they have a new line of underwear called ‘Daddy’.  It is mostly jockstraps and g-strings/thongs.  To promote ‘Daddy’ they have offered me 10 pairs, to the first 10 new monthly SwimmerBoyz.com members.  Anything in the ‘Daddy’ line, it is all yours.

A free pair of Daddy underwear for the first 10 new monthly members on SwimmerBoyz.com.

Monthly membership is $29.95 – pair of Daddy including shipping – it is like a free pair of undies, or a free month of watching 100 hours of speedo porn.

Here is part of the selection or go here to check it all out – www.Mensuas.com/daddy-underwear?limit=96

Daddy Underwear

I’m going to pick out a pair – I really like the last ones and to my pleasant surprise, they are a jockstrap!!!  Right now, I don’t have a jockstrap in my speedo drawer.

Daddy UnderwearDaddy Jockstrap

But these also come in red – which do you think I should get?

Red Male Jockstrap

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