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It is feeling like summer here in Aussie – going to be in the 30’s all weekend which is awesome.
I am not going to be out enjoying it, instead, I am going to dedicate the entire weekend to working on this blog.
I’ve been running the membership side for a little while now and it has been great!!! A lot more of you guys joined than I expected and it has allowed me to publish more movies and stories (both take time and server costs which is hard if the blog is just free). Since it wasn’t quite the same system as my site, I didn’t quite have my head around laying it out properly.
I think I have a better handle on how it will work even better.
Right now the comments are hit and miss which sucks because there have been 8,420 comments on this blog since it started and I have read every single one of them and I’ve replied to most of them. Kip will be helping me beta test a bunch of it on different devices but pretty much it will just be me working for hours, and hours and hours – hahaha.
It worked for the – which I spent nearly 4 days straight working on a month or so ago.
If you guys have any ideas or feedback I’d love to hear from you – if the comments don’t work here, I’d love an email
Ow, and the reason I have been able to put this weekend aside is because a whole bunch of the crew here are heading to Tasmania for a wedding – I know the guy but since I didn’t grow up on the coast here I don’t know them that well so I didn’t get invited so I’m going to be a boring nerd and sit around working in my speedos all weekend – I’m actually looking forward to it.
Of course, I’d prefer to spend the weekend doing this……

Or doing this……

Or just hanging out with these guys……

September 22nd, 2017
Back to the Married Guy, aka Tony.
Yesterday I left off with Tony and I grabbing a beer after a swim and nothing happened. Very platonic and he didn’t give anything away and I left disheartened that anything naughty would happen between Tony and I.
That changed on Friday morning.
I was still in bed (don’t judge it was like 9:30am – I can sleep in a little bit every now and then) and my phone beeps with a new text message.
Have you heard of, or know of Dave Evans?
I wondered if it has anything to do with the Evil Speedo Corporation trying to steal my domain names. I was in a conundrum…..
Still being in bed, I hadn’t had my morning jerk off either so my erection wasn’t helping my decision making process either. I decided that Tony, being married and pretty visible in his work life probably has more to loose than I do by ‘outing’ Dave Evans, we had shared a beer after a swim in our AussieBums. I replied
I do know him, we are one and the same.
Is that OK or does it freak you out?
I was pretty nervous for the next hour or so before Tony replied. I even went for a walk down town to grab the paper and some bread and left my phone at home just to take my mind off it. When I walked back into the house there was a reply from Tony:
Not freaked out at all. Intrigued. What are you doing Friday afternoon?
This was a huge relief and now I was horny again. Where was the ‘What are you doing Friday afternoon?’ message implying? I think it means Tony the Married Guy likes to fool around in speedos don’t you?

I’ll continue with this next week guys. You know, you could just join my site and be completely up to date with what happened with Tony the Married Guy…..
June 16th, 2017
I get a bunch of emails, some great, some nasty but overall pretty good. I don’t always have time to reply, unless of course it is a member in which case I really make sure that I reply as promptly as possible (I love my members).
Some emails I receive as just nice saying how much someone loved a story I wrote or about how great it is for them to find a site like mine. And sometimes I get a dick pics (not all dick pics are made equal). This one is pretty good though, hence why I’m sharing it with you guys. Here is the email that came with it, I’ve removed anything ‘personal’ as per the senders request.
Hi Dave,
I’m sure you get loads of emails but just wanted to send a message to say hi (with a couple of private pics!). I’m straight (bi-curious) but I’ve been following your blog for a few years. Speedos are my guilty pleasure.. I can’t get enough of seeing guys in speedos and I get hard within seconds of putting mine on! I never wear them in public though which is a shame, would be great to have a few guys to hang out with in speedos and have fun with like in your stories.
I’m living in Asia at the moment and bought these arenas, tight but a nice fit. Hope you like the pics.
Lots of love.

And here is a second pic…. that is one tastey looking cock isn’t it!!! And HUGE!!!
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The second pic, the dick pic, is only available to blog members. Click here, it is only $5 to become a blog member.
November 29th, 2016
Today I was looking up some stats for an Aussie Adult Store which is interested in advertising on this blog. I wanted to know how many of my visitors were Australian and it turns out only 12% are Australian which was a little lower than I thought.
One thing I learnt is that during this current month, this blog has had visitors from 166 different countries.
The most common countries was the usual suspects, USA, Canada, UK but surprisingly, China was in the top 10.
It is great to see visitors from all sorts of places, 6 visitors from Saudi Arabia (don’t get caught guys), 22 visitors from Iraq, 10 visitors from Syria (stay safe guys), all the Pacific Islands were covered as well as South East Asia. I think it is awesome that there are visitors not only from all over the world but also from all different religious backgrounds (I can’t tell the religion of a visitor but you know what I mean) – 326 visitors from India (Hindu), 20 from Egypt (Sunni Muslim majority) and 11 from Iran (Shia Muslim majority) and 1 person from Nepal (Buddhist).
Kind of a boring blog post but I thought it was interesting.

August 28th, 2016
I love it when I get fun emails from members, as a member feel free to email me and I pretty much guarantee that I’ll reply. This is an email that I woke up to this morning and thought I’d share it with you guys.
Hey Dave! It’s cool you replied.
You should know that a guy spied me taking this pic that I was taking with the intention of sending to you today.

He came over afterwards and laid down next to me in a pair of blue wonder jock AussieBums (I asked). We got to talking about our speedo fetishes and how horny I was at the beach (and I brought up your blog too). We started kissing, and I started getting hard fast. I had to pump the brakes quick since there were some other guys around already watching. …I’m home now in these black AussieBums waiting for him to come over and finish what we started.

Here it is. Seriously one of the hottest fucks in my life. Please change my name for privacy reasons, I already changed his. Anyway, feel free to make any changes, edits, or alterations as you see fit (whatever you want to do to incorporate it into your blog). Its lengthy so feel free to cut it down as you want. If you need some more pics, I can try to take some too. 😉
Also, my grammar may be a little off as I am crazy horny right now and am typing as fast as I can. haha. If I meet up with “Charlie” again, I’ll be sure to let you know (if you want). I’d also be happy to rep one of your suits at the beach too.
Thanks Dave! As always, keep up the great work on your site and the blog. Its an amazing slice of internet speedo heaven.
-Seattle Speedo Fan
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July 29th, 2016
AussieBum Mittagong,
AussieBum sex,
cumming in speedos,
Dave Evans,
Dave Speedo Evans,
speedo anal,
speedo fan,
speedo hookup,
speedo sex