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For ages I haven’t been happy with the name for my main site and I’ve finally pulled the trigger and changed it to
This is a site that I first started back in 2001 when I was still in high school and it has evolved from a free site to just put up my favourite speedo photos for my own viewing. The gallery (which is still available) ended up being 6,500 sorted/searchable photos.
I called the site
From there, I started putting up some of the early speedo movies – there weren’t many and the quality wasn’t great but it was a huge success and people loved them. Problem was, I received a 1 month bandwidth bill for $800!!! So that is when I had to start making it a members site to cover that cost.
The site was so popular that I eventually repaid the $800 server fee and I kept building the site. This got the attention of the Evil Speedo Corporation who took the domain name off me. So I renamed the site A few years went by and they then took me to court in Australia. I even made the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald!!! Obviously I couldn’t afford to defend against this (I was in college driving a $300 car and living with my parents). Speedo won in court because I not only couldn’t afford to defend the case, but also because I didn’t want my anonymity exposed – I’m still in the closet to my family.
One of the unintended consequences of the Evil Speedo Corporation trying to sue me was the mainstream publicity. During that time I had 10 times more members!!!
That is when I renamed the site which has never really sat well with me since it isn’t really about swimmers or boyz at all, it is about guys (over 18yo) who like speedos in a ‘naughty’ way.
I still have a bunch of work to do rebranding some things as well as updating some links and stuff but I’m excited to move forward with the new name which I think describes the site much better. Otherwise things continue as per usual, there will be another 80 minutes of speedo movies added this week alone!!!
OK, I should get back to the business of running
Tomorrow I will be sharing with you guys a story that I just published on about a Grindr hookup and there is a speedo selfie of mine….. here is a photo taken at the same time, this was last year when I was in Colorado for the Lake Powell trip and it was taken in Kip’s sisters hottub.

October 11th, 2017
Holy batman, this is the longest time EVER (since May 2005 – that is 12 years ago) between my blog posts.
Thank you for all the emails and messages of concern, everything is all good. Well, Kip went into hospital last week for something usual but it kept him off his feet which required me to do even more work. Because of that, I really haven’t had anything naughty to report.
The Married Guy is on holidays with his family so he hasn’t been around plowing my arse…. hehehe.
Lots of boring work… although I think you guys are going to like my ‘boring’ work since it involved a shit tonne of new speedo movies which are really hot.
Here are some screen shots of the new movies for you guys – I’d love to make the movies free but it is my members who support me and I’ve got to look after them. If you would like to join, head over to, trial membership is $4.95, it takes 2 minutes and you could be watching these movies.
First new movie, two guys hanging out at the pool. As they make out you can see their cocks awakening and then stretching the front of their speedos – I love those red speedos. Then they get in the pool – UNDERWATER SPEEDO BLOWJOB!!!

I personally don’t like getting massages because I’m always tensed up trying not to get an erection. With these guys, the erection is welcome. I love the navy speedo and later in the movie both of these guys take it in the arse.

Probably the two cutes speedo guys I’ve seen in a long time. I can confirm that I have jerked off to this movie more than a dozen times since I last wrote a blog post.

You can watch these movies right now…..
September 19th, 2017
OK, I’m looking for the speedos pictured in these two movies below (yes, if you are a member, you can watch both of these movies featuring these guys wearing these speedos).
I believe they are an Andrew Christian Edge but they aren’t available on their site anymore. Does anyone own these or know anything about them?

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April 22nd, 2017
Andrew Christian,
gay porn,
gay video,
oral sex,
speedo blowjob,
speedo movies,
speedo porn,
speedo sex,
speedo shopping,
Holy moly, it is just about midnight on a Friday here in Australia and I am still working.
The dedication I have for you guys. Nothing much was happening this afternoon/evening and since I got home from the pool (about 3pm) I have been working on a bunch of new speedo movies and they are now all live and ready for you to feast your eyes on.
Below is a screen shot of the members movies page with the 10 new movies that I’ve added just this afternoon – it works out to just under 4 hours of speedo porn!!!
You guys know that you can watch ALL the movies right now for $4.95. That is NUTS!!! Get in there and enjoy it guys.
The address is
April 14th, 2017
Good morning guys. Sunday morning here in Aussie and I got in from a quick a surf with the boys, was kinda windy so wasn’t that great.
I started this blog post before I went out but now it is just after 8am and I’m sitting here in speedos, towel around my waist and coffee pot within arms length. One thing I’d like to get finished today is this new movie. Yeah…. looks pretty hot doesn’t it.

That is brand new film, I’m also going to share with you guys some vintage speedo porn…. Tough Competition which was published in 1984!!! That was before I was born. I haven’t had a chance to watch it in detail but the final scene features a pretty hot foursome with one guy looking fantastic in his red speedos. Lots more facial and pubic hair but I was thinking you guys might enjoy it.
I’ll have these on later today and I’ll put some sample clips up on the members blog in the next couple of days.

October 29th, 2016