I hate it when people edit speedo photos online. I’m not sure who is doing the editting but most of them are making a perfectly normal, great looking speedo look odd because the edit makes the sides lower.
This is another example of an obviously editted photo. However, on this one I do like the premise…. I don’t think that girl could handle all those red speedo erections. Perhaps some of the guys would have to look after each other.
The mind wanders.

Posted on: October 3rd, 2017
Has anyone ever owned a pair of Mizuno speedos? These look really hot – if anyone knows where to find them, email me (DaveEvans@SwimmerBoyz.com – yes I’m still working on the comments but should be done very soon) and if you find these, I will give away a months membership to SwimmerBoyz.com.
These look like the old speedo Aquablades which I only ever had one pair of. I liked the Aquablade material but the cut was too wide on the hips for my taste. And they were darn expensive.

Posted on: September 28th, 2017
I’ve spent a little bit of time in San Francisco and I love the place – there is a lot of weirdos but if you can’t be comfortable in your own skin in San Fran I don’t think there is anywhere else in the world you can be.
I have some old friends who live in Lower Haight which 2 blocks from the Castro (which is the gayest neighbourhood in the gayest city on the planet). It is a fun place because unlike the waterfront there aren’t many tourists. As for the nightlife, if you can find gay sex in the Castro…. then you aren’t in the Castro.
Here is a post that was on the forum (www.SpeedoForum.org) recently which I thought was interesting. I’ve never been in San Fran when it was warm enough to get down to this beach but it definitely sounds like fun. The guy who submitted this is OznSpeedoBoy – a 20-something year old asian boy who loves speedos.
Recently drove down from North Bay to Marshall’s Beach in San Francisco for the first time during a heat wave (100+ degrees fahrenheit!)… and ran into a plethora of men in speedos and exhibitionist swimwear… with loads of these men partaking in public action!
Marshall’s Beach is located at the base of the Golden Gate bridge and is known as the beach where all the gay men (and nudists) flock to during the rare hot days. To get to where most of the speedo-wearers are, one has to walk past a small batch of rocks. Once there… speedo heaven!
The beach was packed, with loads of men in speedos sunbathing and generally partying at the beach. After walking past what seems to be a 100 (or 200!) speedo-clad men, I start to reach the nudist section of the beach. As it was my first time here, curiosity got the best of me and told me to walk to the very end of the beach past these giant rocks–where I found myself in the middle of hordes of men doing the dirty! As hot as that was (literally and figuratively), I definitely felt out of place as I was still dressed in my track singlet and basketball shorts, so I left the area and began to search for a place to claim in the sands of the nudist area.
After 10 or so minutes, finally got a spot to myself–laid down my beach blanket and stripped my clothes to reveal my 1-inch sided red swim brief. Perfect for getting my speedo tan on! Got my tanning oil out and slathered my body with it and got to tanning! The plus side: got to enjoy the view of loads of men just enjoying the weather (or each other) while in speedos and their birthday suits! Even got approached by a few handsome speedo-clad fellows complimenting my suit, and later, inviting me to hang out alongside them and their speedos!
Definitely one of the hottest moments of the summer! Would love to hear if anyone else has similar stories at the beach (speedo friendly, nudist, etc) to share? 

Posted on: September 24th, 2017
It is feeling like summer here in Aussie – going to be in the 30’s all weekend which is awesome.
I am not going to be out enjoying it, instead, I am going to dedicate the entire weekend to working on this blog.
I’ve been running the membership side for a little while now and it has been great!!! A lot more of you guys joined than I expected and it has allowed me to publish more movies and stories (both take time and server costs which is hard if the blog is just free). Since it wasn’t quite the same system as my site SwimmerBoyz.com, I didn’t quite have my head around laying it out properly.
I think I have a better handle on how it will work even better.
Right now the comments are hit and miss which sucks because there have been 8,420 comments on this blog since it started and I have read every single one of them and I’ve replied to most of them. Kip will be helping me beta test a bunch of it on different devices but pretty much it will just be me working for hours, and hours and hours – hahaha.
It worked for the SpeedoForum.org – which I spent nearly 4 days straight working on a month or so ago.
If you guys have any ideas or feedback I’d love to hear from you – if the comments don’t work here, I’d love an email DaveEvans@SwimmerBoyz.com.
Ow, and the reason I have been able to put this weekend aside is because a whole bunch of the crew here are heading to Tasmania for a wedding – I know the guy but since I didn’t grow up on the coast here I don’t know them that well so I didn’t get invited so I’m going to be a boring nerd and sit around working in my speedos all weekend – I’m actually looking forward to it.
Of course, I’d prefer to spend the weekend doing this……

Or doing this……

Or just hanging out with these guys……

Posted on: September 22nd, 2017
Holy batman, this is the longest time EVER (since May 2005 – that is 12 years ago) between my blog posts.
Thank you for all the emails and messages of concern, everything is all good. Well, Kip went into hospital last week for something usual but it kept him off his feet which required me to do even more work. Because of that, I really haven’t had anything naughty to report.
The Married Guy is on holidays with his family so he hasn’t been around plowing my arse…. hehehe.
Lots of boring work… although I think you guys are going to like my ‘boring’ work since it involved a shit tonne of new speedo movies which are really hot.
Here are some screen shots of the new movies for you guys – I’d love to make the movies free but it is my members who support me and I’ve got to look after them. If you would like to join, head over to www.SwimmerBoyz.com, trial membership is $4.95, it takes 2 minutes and you could be watching these movies.
First new movie, two guys hanging out at the pool. As they make out you can see their cocks awakening and then stretching the front of their speedos – I love those red speedos. Then they get in the pool – UNDERWATER SPEEDO BLOWJOB!!!

I personally don’t like getting massages because I’m always tensed up trying not to get an erection. With these guys, the erection is welcome. I love the navy speedo and later in the movie both of these guys take it in the arse.

Probably the two cutes speedo guys I’ve seen in a long time. I can confirm that I have jerked off to this movie more than a dozen times since I last wrote a blog post.

You can watch these movies right now….. www.SwimmerBoyz.com
Posted on: September 19th, 2017