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Brenton is an old online mate of mine who started his blog around the same time I started We’ve worked on different things over the years and these days Kip even keeps his blog online. Unlike me and my passion for speedos, Brenton takes it a little bit further and loves being nude.
It is fun following his adventures on his blog and yesterday he posted the comments below regarding speedos and modesty.
Given how paranoid most guys are in gym locker rooms about anyone seeing their junk you’d be forgiven for thinking that they go to the beach in neck-to-knee swimwear from an era long gone. You’d be wrong. Apparently all it takes for guys to feel comfortable is a tiny little piece of fabric covering their genitals. Australian’s all around the country are fans of speedo style swimwear. Sure there are guys that wear boardshorts but, especially in Sydney all the guys that live in the gym and get changed under a towel are the same guys wearing the skimpiest, tightest swimwear around. More often than not that same swimwear is designed to emphasise the exact area that they never show.
All of the popular brands seem to have a “pouch” style of swimwear designed to highlight and thrust forward your junk. I get that it makes it appear a bit more impressive than it really may be but it’s not going to turn a 4 incher into a 12 incher is it? Speedo style swimwear and even boardshorts when they are wet really don’t leave a lot to the imagination so it’s amazing that it only takes that little piece of fabric to not only preserve our modesty, barely, but also to give us the confidence to walk down the beach feeling great.
Interesting thoughts, during my time in America I found that it was the opposite in the locker rooms at the pool, guys were happy to strut around butt naked but nobody else would wear a speedo. But in Aussie it is the opposite and I agree with Brenton’s sentiments.

April 13th, 2017
Aussie bloggers,
Aussie Speedo Guy,
change rooms,
gay blog,
locker room,
speedo culture,
wearing speedos
On Friday I sacked up and wore my Aussie Turbo speedos to the local pool here in Breckenridge.
I was the only person I saw wearing speedos and nobody seemed to care….. or did they?
Barely an hour after I got home from my swim I received an email from Josh who was at the pool and did notice.
Josh lives near Breck and hadn’t heard of me or my sites before but after seeing me at the pool he just googled Aussie speedos trying to find out what type of speedos I was wearing and stumbled across this blog, the stumbled across my site and 5 minutes later, joined a porn site for the first time.
It was within 5 minutes of joining that Josh came in the speedos he was wearing at the time watching the movie below……
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January 22nd, 2017
A couple of weeks ago I was talking about speedos being a gateway to gay….. Most of the feedback I received from you guys was disagreeing with me. I love hearing different views and while not convinced, I definitely understand what a lot of you guys were saying.
Now red speedos, there is no doubt that red speedos have caused gay experiences. That is a known fact right? To be honest, when I see a guy in red speedos I immediately think he is naughty.
Earlier in the year I had a cousin of mine and her boyfriend staying at my place. They were just great and was fun hanging out, the boyfriend grew up in Brissy so I lined up a surfboard for him and he brought his wetsuit. One day after a surf he stripped out of his wetsuit and was washing off in my outdoor shower (outdoor shower makes it sound fancy, it is more like a hose nailed to the side of the house).
The boyfriend stripped out of his wetsuit to reveal a red speedo brand speedo!!!
Anyone else turned on by a straight guy peeling off a wetsuit to reveal a red speedo and then showering outside my house?

December 27th, 2016
Today I was looking up some stats for an Aussie Adult Store which is interested in advertising on this blog. I wanted to know how many of my visitors were Australian and it turns out only 12% are Australian which was a little lower than I thought.
One thing I learnt is that during this current month, this blog has had visitors from 166 different countries.
The most common countries was the usual suspects, USA, Canada, UK but surprisingly, China was in the top 10.
It is great to see visitors from all sorts of places, 6 visitors from Saudi Arabia (don’t get caught guys), 22 visitors from Iraq, 10 visitors from Syria (stay safe guys), all the Pacific Islands were covered as well as South East Asia. I think it is awesome that there are visitors not only from all over the world but also from all different religious backgrounds (I can’t tell the religion of a visitor but you know what I mean) – 326 visitors from India (Hindu), 20 from Egypt (Sunni Muslim majority) and 11 from Iran (Shia Muslim majority) and 1 person from Nepal (Buddhist).
Kind of a boring blog post but I thought it was interesting.

August 28th, 2016
G’day guys,
Just a quick post to give you some updates on the members area of my blog
Over the last couple of weeks I have changed the credit card processor from Stripe to CCBill, both companies are wonderful to work with and provide amazing security and discretion. That is kind of boring since you just wanna hear about what Alex and I have been getting up to, so here are the changes that might effect you:
Already a member?
If you joined before Nov 23rd then you will be able to log in to the blog until your membership expires. After your membership expires you will not be charged again and all your account information is deleted. I hope that you loved being a member and will join again so you don’t miss out on anything.
How is joining different?
When you join now you are directed to a CCBill join page. This page is even more secure than my pages which is why they are so great. The layout of the page looks a little weird and I will change it over the next week or so to be more pretty. Otherwise, nothing changes, membership is still $5, it takes less than 60 seconds to join and you get access immediately.
You guys will notice that yesterday I posted about the first time I was ‘inside’ Alex and it is available to members only. I promise you will get your $5 worth just from reading that experience….
Thank you guys for your support, I really apprecaite it. If you have any questions/comments/feedback or concerns, please reach out to me on the above email.
Dave Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
December 11th, 2015