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It is a grey windy old day here on the coast… grrrr.
When I got up and was sipping on my morning coffee looking at the ocean, I was wondering what I am going to do with the day and my phone beeped telling me I have a text message.
Married Guy: Swim today?
Dave: Yeah, will be there at noon. I will have to get ‘changed’ afterwards.
Married Guy: I have to get back to the office so will shower and change at the pool. See you then.
The getting ‘changed’ is a little bit of code for “Blowjob in the change rooms.”
We’ve been doing this now about once a week. We swim for 45 minutes or so, then head to the change rooms, then we suck each other off in the shower then leave discretely. The Married Guy leaves last because he has to put his work suit and stuff back on and I don’t think anyone suspects anything. There have been a couple of occasions when people have walking into the change rooms while I’ve had his cock in my mouth, or vice-versa…..

This is what I’ll be doing…..

I wonder if Married Guy would be up for having someone else join us…. maybe Alex? I don’t know how that would go down, he is super concerned about discretion which I am as well – although we are going to have oral sex in public later today which is a bit of an oxymoron.

October 26th, 2017
I just got back from the pool, after yesterday I don’t have to explain why I was keen to get back there. I swam 3.8kms which was nice (does anyone know the significance of that distance?).
But that isn’t what I wanted to report to you guys…. I wanted to tell you that I didn’t see a single pair of dork shorts there. Maybe 10 guys at the pool and every single one of them was wearing speedos.
April 21st, 2017
Yesterday afternoon, I did drop trou (trousers) and speedo it up in front of a bunch of people. I really don’t think it should be a big deal, everyone in the crew would wear speedos doing lap swimming?
It was late in the arvo and half time on the footy so I went and jumped in the ocean. My dork shorts were dry and I was wearing those AussieBum square cuts under them.
Alex was chilling out in the house and he said that it got a reaction – I can’t believe it. Anyways, later in the evening, my neighbor chick ‘Buffy’ (not her real name but a little bit of an inside joke) actually complimented me on my AussieBums.
Again, I know I’m repeating myself, but if we were at the pool swimming laps, it would be weird if someone wore dork shorts. Just like these people below – how HOT is the couple in the first photo?!?!?!?!

April 9th, 2017
Do you guys ever get motivated to work out, or eat better because of pics of guys in speedos?
I do. 100%. Today was an example of that, I was working, it is kinda grey out and I did not feel like going for a swim, until….. I saw this guy in these red speedos. That was all it took to get me into my red arena speedos, get in the car and drive to the pool. Doesn’t matter if it is raining, I’m going to get wet anyway right?
Last night I was talking to a fan (via email) and he was saying that he grew up being a chubby kid and it is his passion for speedos which has resulted in him exercising and looking great. I love it!!!

April 5th, 2017
What is is about red speedos that are such a turn on? These days I only have 2 pairs of red speedos in my collection and I have gotten into trouble wearing my red speedos.
Just something about red that seems a little ‘sexy’ don’t you think?
Today I’m going to wear my red Arena speedos to the pool – I’m sure nobody will care but I’ll feel a little more naughty.

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May 31st, 2016