I know, I know, I haven’t been posting much. I’ve been super busy and if you are a ‘member’ or SwimmerBoyz.com or the blog, you will know that I’m still working my tail off. I’m sure you can understand that when I’m short on time, I have to prioritize members before posting public stuff.
I have been meaning to tell you guys about the weekend which turned into a complete write off with the two football Grand Finals. Saturday afternoon was the most fun at Alex’s place. Like I said in my last blog post, Aussie guys aren’t afraid to wear speedos and Saturday afternoon was another example of that attitude. Most than half the guys Alex had over ,were wearing super short, old, footy shorts. Some of them had holes in them, most of them were a little too small and pretty much everyone was wearing speedos under them.
At half time we played some BYC (Back Yard Cricket) and it was a great afternoon!!!
Alex’s boyfriend (I call him his boyfriend) was there and he was cool. Although, this str8 couple that gave me a ride home commented “Alex’s mate seems pretty gay.” Nobody cares but I thought that was funny hearing that sitting in the back seat.
Nothing naughty to report but tomorrow (Friday), I will have something naughty to report. Mums the word.