I don’t know about you guys but I have an amazing memory when it comes to speedo photos – not eidetic or anything ‘special’ I just have a nack for remembering a speedo photo from years ago. Doesn’t mean I can always find them since there are at least 10,000 speedo photos on SwimmerBoyz.com and this blog has had over 5,000 speedo photos posted.
Today I saw this photo of these Turbo ‘Margarita’ speedos and I remembered that I had the photo of them from the back as one of the ‘Speedo Photos of the Day‘. Turns out I was able to find it. There are 1,025 ‘Speedo Photos of the Day‘ – have you seen it? It is pretty cool – click here to check it out.

I can’t believe you guys didn’t leave any comments on yesterdays post….
Since you guys didn’t offer any advice, I decided to email Tom yesterday and we spoke on the phone last night. Tom sounds really nice and he sent me some more photos of him in his speedos and he looks amazing. After school today (yes Tom is 18yo and in his last year of high school), he is going to drive up here for the weekend.
Traffic headed out of Sydney on a Friday is usually a bitch so not sure if I’ll see Tom tonight (Friday) or tomorrow.
I mentioned Tom to Alex (Alex reads this blog every day so there is no way I can hide it from him) and Alex raised the idea of him joining in. I brought it up with Tom and Tom said that would be amazing and if he got cold feet he would love to just watch Alex and I.
If it works out on Saturday I’ll have Alex and Tom come over to my place, it will look a little weird to me neighbors if two super hot guys rock up to my place and then I close all the curtains for 2 hours or so….. wonder what they will be thinking?
Tom said that he has been following my blog for a while now and can’t believe I got back to him. He said that he really enjoyed reading about Alex exploring his gay side for the first time (click here to read that).
It is a good looking day outside and I am sitting here in a pair of red Arena speedos with a raging hard on. I want to save it incase Tom does come around tonight but it is going to be ‘hard’. I’m off for a dip in the ocean and then I have 4 new movies to add to SwimmerBoyz.com. I will keep you guys posted.
I’m sure you have seen the banners around this blog as well as heard me talk about SwimmerBoyz.com, so what is SwimmerBoyz.com?
SwimmerBoyz.com was the first ever site I created, originally it was SpeedoBoyz.com but I was sued by the Evil Speedo Corporation (it made the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald and the London Times which turned out to be awesome for business). I started SwimmerBoyz.com when I was a teenager back in March 2001!!!! Holy cow time flies.
The started as just my collection of speedo photos. I had some naughty photos of myself which I wanted to share ‘privately’ and having the site seemed like a good idea.
Pretty quickly it turned in 6,500 full sorted photos
These photos still makes up the backbone of the photo archives – and yes, those photos of me are still in there but you’ll have to dig to find them.
Things were moving pretty quick with the internet and movies were slowly becoming affordable so I started gathering a movies archive. At this stage the site was still 100% free. After making the movies archive public I got a server bill for $800 which still being in high school I couldn’t afford and not really the thing I could ask my parents for, just imagine that conversation:
Mum, Dad, can I have $800 to pay for all the speedo movies
random people have watched on my speedo fetish website?
That is when I had to figure out how to pay for the downloads. It took me a while but I managed to keep the site online and figure out a model where it kind of broke even.
From there, things just kept getting bigger, and bigger and bigger.
Now the site has the following stats:
- 135 gigabytes of movies
- 9,800 photos (probably 50 of those are of me)
- 553 active members (as of just now)
Most importantly, I’m still really proud of SwimmerBoyz.com. Last night Kip and I got home after partying and we were both pretty horny but a little sore from the pounding we’ve been giving each other so I plugged my laptop into Kip’s 60″ TV, loaded up SwimmerBoyz.com and watched that movie of two guys in AussieBums fucking poolside.
It is my personal speedo movie collection, it just
happens that I get to share it with other people.
A couple of other things I love about the site are:
- I’ve never had a pop-up ad on it
- The download speeds are awesome so the movies looked fantastic on the big screen TV.
- Now SwimmerBoyz.com members have free access to the blog members area.
As you can tell, I’m pretty happy with SwimmerBoyz.com, I can’t imagine the hours I’ve put into it over the years but I love it and the feedback I get from members seems to be pretty awesome as well.
Please, head over and check it out.
If you’d like to join, know that your membership mostly goes to keeping it up to date and running awesome and not to my Rolls Royce collection.
You know the address – www.SwimmerBoyz.com
Here are some screen shots from the members area, looks just like the public area which I wanted to keep.

The ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ page on my site SwimmerBoyz.com is something I really love. I was able to add it when I did my last major design change to the site and it is now up to like 900+ speedo photos of the day.
Every single photo I hand pick.
Recently there has been a spate of speedo dick pics, this is comepletely random but I haven’t heard any complaints.
The link to the ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ is bottom right of SwimmerBoyz.com or go to SwimmerBoyz.com/speedophoto.asp
Here are the recent dick pics…..
And here are some more Speedo Photo of the Day dick pics that are coming up – I thought I could share them with you guys.