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Aghhhhh – Breckenridge is an absolute zoo this weekend!!!
Bloody Presidents Week long weekend and it feels like all of America is up here. As you guys can understand, I had no idea about this holiday – I just had to explain to someone that down in Australia, we don’t celebrate Presidents Week…. we don’t have a President but we do celebrate the Queens Birthday…. do you do that in America?
So instead of getting outside today, I’m hibernating until everyone goes home and Kip and I can go outside and play. It has just started snowing though which is pretty and hottubbing while it is snowing is pretty cool.
On that note, I think I’m wearing too many clothes and should strip down to my speedos.
Ow… since there are a bunch of people in town and neither Kip or I have cum so far today…. maybe I should update our Grindr profile and see if we can find someone to come and join us in the hottub. That is the best idea I’ve had all day.

February 19th, 2017
Presidents Weekend,
speedo selfie,
I have been dying to tell you guys about what I got up to last Thursday at the Radium Hot Springs.
The background is that I somehow heard about these natural hot springs about an hour from Kip’s place in Breckenridge but nobody I knew had been to them. From what I read it was a natural pool on the side of the Colorado River a 20 minute walk from a parking area and it was not developed at all, 100% natural.
So, last Thursday, Kip was out of town, I was a little hungover so about 2pm I jumped in the car and headed in that direction. It was a little late in the day but I kind slept in and was feeling unproductive so I wanted to get out of the house.
Here is a photo I found online of the springs in summer….

And this is a photo I took when I first got in……

The directions I had for the hot springs were perfect, there was 1 car in the parking area when I arrived and I walked the 20 minutes to the springs. As I got closer I heard some people talking which I assumed were from the car that was in the parking area. Approaching the springs, you are on top of a cliff overlooking the river and you have to climb down to the hot springs. I found a pot where I could look down into the hot spring pool and saw a young couple (male and female), naked just hanging out.
I hollered out, saying g’day and asked if they would mind if I joined them – I didn’t want to startle anyone and I felt bad for crashing their party. I had assumed sunset on a Thursday afternoon the place would be deserted and I’m guessing they had the same idea.
They were super nice and told me I was welcome to join.
I had brought a pack with a pair of dork shorts but under my snowboarding pants I was wearing a pair of ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos. I’m actually wearing them right now as I write this, they are the best fitting speedos I own right now and if I do say so myself, they look amazing!!!
Since these guys were naked, I thought I’d speedo it up so I stripped down to my ADIDAS speedos and jumped in. I was trying to keep my eyes up and not check them out. In my pack I had also brought gin and tonic and a handful of plastic cups (red solo cups).
The couple, Rachel and Brian, were really cool., I offered them a drink which they thought was great since they had just run out and were going to do a run back to their car for more booze. They are both in college studying engineering. The pool isn’t huge but we all had our own space and you kinda needed to keep your whole body under the water because it was pretty cold out of the water.
For well over an hour we just shot the breeze, they loved my accent and we all got tipsy on the G&T’s. It was gorgeous as the light changed through sunset.
Over the course of the conversation it came out that Rachel and Brian were just fuck buddies in the same class at college, I had assumed they were a couple. And then after more than an hour of innocent conversation, somehow the conversation turned to ‘orgies’. Rachel told a story of a girlfriend of hers being gang banged but said she was too much of a lady to share any of her stories and Brian said he had no previous experience. Rachel was pressing me to tell a story so I shared my first threesome experience – which you can read here.
Rachel and Brian were both intrigued and wanted ALL the juicy details. By now the lycra in the front of my ADIDAS speedos was being stretched but I was under the water so nobody could tell.
It was after I had finished describing my first threesome in all its details that Rachel told me to come over to where the water was warmer. I looked to Brian for approval and he didn’t seem to mind. By now I knew where this was going. I stood up in the early evening light, there no hiding the hard on in my ADIDAS speedos and moved towards Rachel and settled down into the water. It was much warmer than where I had been sitting.
That is when, under the water, that Rachel’s hand touched my cock…..
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February 1st, 2017
ADIDAS 3-stripe,
Colorado hot springs,
hot springs,
radium hot springs,
random sex,
OMG, I have told you guys before that real men wear speedos…. here is Australian Rugby player Quade Cooper hanging out with Australian Miss Universe Laura Dundovic wearing a perfectly fitting red speedo.
Quade Cooper has a reputation for being a bit of a dick in Australia but he is a Queenslander (the State I grew up in), he is happy wearing red speedos in public and his taste in women is fantastic. I think Quade Cooper is a bloody legend!!!
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December 14th, 2016
How was every ones weekend?
Nothing too exciting here, just a bunch of work. I’m up early and going for a surf with the boys, it is kinda chilly but it is a nice way to start the day. Although there was a shark attack north of here this week so we will have our eyes peeled.
I haven’t had a chance to write more about last weekend but I might get a chance later this afternoon. When I write about my sexual experiences I kind of need to be in the right mood – ie horny. And often I am so horny that I end up cumming which puts me out of the mood – hehehe.
Don’t worry, I won’t leave you guys hanging. Here is a Fivesome movie which I think you will enjoy (yes, you have to be a member to watch – it is only $5 to join. Click here.).
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And keeping in the spirit of Fivesomes, here is an experience that I wrote about a little while ago.
Is one more than a foursome called a fivesome or just a moresome?
Last night, after I finished writing yesterdays blog post, Kip told me to strip down, put on a pair of AussieBum Portseas (click here to see what they look like). I did as I was told, then I was sat down on a chair in the living room and Kip began to tie me up. Kip does a little bit of rock climbing and he knows his knots so by the time he was done I wasn’t going anywhere.
Kip just kind of left me there with the TV on for a few minutes, then he got a text message and he came over and blind folded me with a pair of snowboarding goggles which had some paper or something inside them. I really couldn’t see anything. It wasn’t long after that and I heard a knock at the door and 3 other voices were in the room with me. Two of the voices were Australian and it seemed like they all knew each other pretty well. I was introduced but it was a bit one sides with me not being able to see anything and there was an occasional hand on my shoulders, back, thigh and front of my speedo.
By now I was pretty hard and I’m guessing the front of my speedo was pretty pointed since my hands were behind my back and I couldn’t adjust myself.
Thankfully Kip came to the rescue, put his hand down the front of my speedo and adjusted my cock for me.
It seemed like that kind of started a trend. Next thing I knew there was a speedo clad guy sitting on one of my knees rubbing the front of my AussieBums. The guy, who was not Kip, then started kissing me.
This was definitely a first for me, kissing a guy that I had never seen before.
While I was kissing (more being kissed since I had nothing to do with it) this mystery guy, I heard an Aussie accent say that it was his turn and another speedo clad butt sat on my other knee and started rubbing the front of my AussieBum speedos and began kissing me nearly immediately after the first guy finished. This scene happened again with a third guy and finally with Kip.
As you can imagine, I was pretty hard by then.
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October 22nd, 2016
Guess who just walked in the door (it is after 11pm on a Friday night) covered in cum and smelling of man sex?
Me of course – hahaha.
Alex’s ‘boyfriend’ Adam hosted a sex party at his place tonight and it went off. It has been a little while since I got laid and I definitely am all caught up in that department.
There were 6 of us, Adam, Alex, a late 20’s couple from Sydney and a 35yo guy from Melbourne who flew in just for the party.
I had been horny as hell all day in anticipation so you could say I arrived with a loaded weapon. When I walked in, Adam told me to strip down to whatever I was comfortable in, which was my black ADIDAS speedos, and he lead me into his living room and I was greeted with the sight of Alex tied up on a St. Andrews Cross (I had to be told what it is technically called) – it looks like this:

Alex was gagged, blind folded and completely naked. I’m guessing someone had been playing with his because his cock was at full mast.
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October 14th, 2016
group sex,
leather jock strap,
sex party,
St. Andrews Cross