After all the darn bad weather we have had with the cyclone coming down, today I woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning. It really is pretty and you can’t help but feel good.
This morning I went for a surf and the crew is coming over to BBQ at my place, play some backyard cricket and watch some footy. If I get enough courage (perhaps fueled by some adult beverages later today) I might strip down to my new blue AussieBum squarecuts. We will see.
These guys have the courage to speedo it up on the beach…..

You guys know that I consider myself bisexual, I like girls just as much as I like guys. Guys do seem to be ‘easier’ to get down to their speedos and in bed so I have more ‘gay’ experiences.
My sites; this blog,, and the are more targeted towards gay guys. Over the years it has surprised me how many str8 and married guys reach out to me saying that they love speedos too. I think it is awesome and I’m sure more str8 guys would be speedo friendly if it was more accepted.
I’ve been posting on this week some stories from married guys and how they introduced their wives to their speedo fetish – it is fun reading for sure.
One idea that I’ve had is that maybe we should start with guys wearing more square cuts and use that as a stepping stone to more guys wearing speedos? What do you guys think?

Daniel Craig in a pair of square cuts which I’m sure increase their acceptability.