I’ve got a present for you guys……
This is what I’ve been jerking off to the last 2 days and I finally got it editted and ready to share with you guys so you can share in the masturbational (is that even a word) fun.
These two guys are so cute and they are so much fun fooling around in the pool. They look fantastic in their speedos as well.
After fooling around in the pool, things move to the bedroom and the shorter guy (on the right in the picture below) gets his arse POUNDED in all sorts of positions. I’m horny just writing this blog post for you guys and as soon as I click ‘publish’ I think I’m going to watch some of it again.
Of course, if you are not a member you won’t be able to see the movie at the bottom after the photos.

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Posted on: August 25th, 2017
For those of you who don’t know, Jensen Button is an English F1 Driver (retired). From his interviews and stuff he seems like a nice guy. He is big into triathlons and here are some pics that were taken recently of him in California at the pool in his black speedos.
He is a real athlete so it would be weird if he wasn’t sporting a speedo.

Posted on: August 21st, 2017
Yesterday (Friday) was a gorgeous day, one of the classic Australian East Coast summer days. About 20C, no wind and not a cloud in the sky.
After doing some work I decided to head up to Birdie Beach (nude beach about half an hour north of my place). I’d touch up my speedo tan and do some paperwork. When I go up to Birdie Beach I usually park in the normal carpark just to see what is going on since that is the main nudist area. But then I walk south of the point far enough that I have some privacy. That is what I did.

Once I got 100m or so south of the carpark I decided to strip down to my speedos which were a pair of white AussieBum Coolabah’s like the ones pictured here.
These speedos are really hot, the fit snug and low on my hips. They are super see through when we though but are a bright white when they are dry.

I put my shorts and t-shirt in my backpack which had my laptop in it and kept walking down the beach. There wasn’t another soul to be seen looking south.
Usually I walk half to a kilometer down the beach, nobody would be concerned by my see through speedos. However, there are a couple of cutting through the bush from the road down to the beach and within a couple of minutes of me stripping down to my white speedos, I saw a couple walk down one of these paths to the beach in the distance.
They were a fair way off but there was nobody else about at all. Looked like they put down some towels and they started walking in my direction and here I was wearing nothing but my white speedos and a back pack. But I had no where to go. Over the next few minutes the distance between us closed. I’m going to guess they were in their early 30’s, both pretty hot. She was wearing a black bikini and he was just wearing a pair of dork shorts and no shirt.
After what felt like an eternity we crossed paths… we all said g’day but I could tell they were smirking to themselves but I thought I saw a glint in the girls eye.
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Posted on: August 18th, 2017
In the spirit of Thong Thursday, I am wearing my black thong today (in the first photo below).
What colour thong are you wearing?

I’m not sure I wear my thong as well as this guy does though.

If you want to see some cute girls in their thongs – head over to my bisexual blog – www.BisexualDave.com
Posted on: August 17th, 2017
Holy cow it has been 8 days since I last posted on here, that has to be a record since I started this blog back in May 2005.
Thank you for the emails of concern… I did have to head up to the Gold Coast for a family funeral and spent a few days up there but the main restraint on my blog posting has been a huge server upgrade which has had Kip and I working a lot more than usual and I think we both work a fair bit to start with.
All day today (like 14 hours) I have been working on the Speedo Forum. I’ve been wanting to update the forum for a while and the server change over gave me the opportunity although it has been a bunch of work. If you haven’t seen it check it out www.SpeedoForum.org. It is a great bunch of guys and I think the updates are really awesome. To be honest I’m proud of the work that Kip and I did on it.
The forum is free, if you join you just have to email me your username so I can activate your account (required to keep the spam off it).
Couple of hot pics for you guys:
Firstly, has anyone ever seen these Aussie flag speedos before? I haven’t but I like them…. I also like the body that they are on.

Secondly, AussieBum had a sale the other week and I thought about buying these. I’m not a fan of the AussieBum lycra speedos, they just never seem to fit quite right but these look pretty darn hot. Unfortunately, they are out of stock so I didn’t get any. If anyone from AussieBum is reading this and would like to send me a pair, that would be very nice.

OK, I think I’m going to pour myself a bourbon and coke and let my eyes readjust after a long day in front of the screen.
Posted on: August 16th, 2017