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I know, I know, I haven’t been posting much. I’ve been super busy and if you are a ‘member’ or or the blog, you will know that I’m still working my tail off. I’m sure you can understand that when I’m short on time, I have to prioritize members before posting public stuff.
I have been meaning to tell you guys about the weekend which turned into a complete write off with the two football Grand Finals. Saturday afternoon was the most fun at Alex’s place. Like I said in my last blog post, Aussie guys aren’t afraid to wear speedos and Saturday afternoon was another example of that attitude. Most than half the guys Alex had over ,were wearing super short, old, footy shorts. Some of them had holes in them, most of them were a little too small and pretty much everyone was wearing speedos under them.
At half time we played some BYC (Back Yard Cricket) and it was a great afternoon!!!
Alex’s boyfriend (I call him his boyfriend) was there and he was cool. Although, this str8 couple that gave me a ride home commented “Alex’s mate seems pretty gay.” Nobody cares but I thought that was funny hearing that sitting in the back seat.
Nothing naughty to report but tomorrow (Friday), I will have something naughty to report. Mums the word.

October 5th, 2016
I’m back in Australia guys, I’m sitting on the train and not far from Gosford Station. I’m kinda tired but I got some work done on the plane and have been working on the train for the last hour or so.
There won’t be much of a chance to chill out with the State of Origin on tonight – for those who have no clue what the State of Origin is, it is a football rivalry between my home state of Queensland and my new state of residence New South Wales in Rugby League. It is a dead rubber since the Cane Toads (Queensland) won the first two games… again, but I’ll still end up watching it at one of the boys places.
Alex is picking me up from the train station though….
…do you guys think that Alex is comfortable enough with his gay side to run along the platform, arms out, embrace and then kiss me deeply?

I doubt that is reception I will get from Alex. Not really my thing either. We’ll shake hands.
I did get a text from Alex about 30 minutes ago telling me he is horny, wearing a new pair of red ‘Speedo Brand’ speedos that he is looking forward to showing me. Which in turn, has made me somewhat horny sitting here on the train (I’m wearing my nylon Corka speedos). It is a gorgeous day so my first order of business might be to jump in the surf and wash all the ‘travel’ off of me.
Apart from Birdie Beach (the nude beach) and the pool, I’ve never seen Alex just in his speedos. I wonder if he will come for a swim today just in his new red speedos?
What do you guys think are the odds?

If you are walking down the beach in about an hour and see 2 guys in red speedos…. say g’day.
July 12th, 2016
Last night a girl slept in my bed……
And I slept on the couch.
A guy that Kip and I fucked in Colorado a few years ago put this chick in touch with me. She is from New Jersey but went to uni in Colorado and it is her first time in Australia. She is driving through on her way to Melbourne and she is crashing at my place for a few days.
She seems pretty cool and today I’m going to take her surfing, a mate dropped off a mini mal this morning which should work. I think the water temp right now is about 19C (66F) so it is a little cold but she is keen so it will be fine. I’ll be wearing a wetsuit though.
My plan is then to have lunch at the RSL, some more surfing later this arvo with the boys when they get off work and then I’m having everyone over for a BBQ.
So no naughty business for me the next couple of days, Alex did come over on Wednesday night and we both wore some AussieBum’s. I’ve posted a photo of those speedos for the members. Becoming a member is pretty cool – it is only $5, you can pay using PayPal, and it is members that allow me to share my experiences with you guys. Click here to join.
And as a little surprise just for you guys who are members – I just posted a speedo selfie.
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OK, time for me too cook breakfast. Man I am going to make a good wife one day – hahaha.
June 17th, 2016
Dave Evans,
Dave Speedo Evans,
scuba diving,
speedo selfie,
Last weekend I posted about the Corka speedos that Kip gave me when I was in Colorado. One pair are nylon and right now are my ‘go to’ speedo particularly when lap swimming. When Kip read that post (Alex and Kip, and now Tom read all my blog posts which is kind of fun), Kip gave me a hard time for not wearing the fluro green ones to the pool.
I’ve never owned a pair of green speedos before and the green in these is very bright.
But, I am a sucker for peer pressure so today I’m going to wear the fluro green speedos to the pool. Alex has told me that he’ll meet me at the pool (he often swims during his lunch break and he can walk from his office to the pool). My guess is that Alex will read this post before our swim, he won’t have any trouble finding me.
Wish me luck guys – hahaha.
What is the weirdest speedo you’ve worn in public?
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May 2nd, 2016
The weather right now isn’t completely like ‘summer’ (ie sunny, no wind and 30C) it is more cloudy, windy and about 20C but there is cricket on all day and there esky is full of booze.
Being one of the few bachelors amongst my group of friends here and having a place right on the beach although it is much shittier than anyone elses house, my place is a bit of a gathering hub. My door is never locked and some of the boys keep their surfboards permanently on my back deck. This time of year most people are off work and my place has been a fun hive of activity.
Yesterday, people were dropping in and out all day to watch a couple of hours of cricket, maybe go for a dip in the surf but generally just hang out. Alex ended up the last man standing yesterday arvo and the neighbor chicks were hanging out as well. When the girls finally left I joked that they were off to make love to each other just like Alex and I were…. every one laughed….. if only they knew. Alex and I did fuck each other and he crashed at my place.
Alex is still in bed as I write this but I might give him a shake and see if he wants to go for a surf before the wind gets up. Maybe a breakfast/post surf blowjob will convince him to wake up.
Later today I have a bunch of new movies that I’ve uploaded to that I just have to sort through. If I can get some of them done I will make them live for blog members as well.

Hahaha – this is actually what Alex looks like right now. Although he is wearing black speedos and is in my bed.

December 27th, 2015