Good morning everyone, I’m sitting here in San Francisco, just cleared all that customs stuff and I’m waiting for my connection to Denver.
It is definitely a little bit cooler than when I left Sydney 18 hours ago.
I still have a big of a mission to get to Kip’s place in Breckenridge, couple of hour connection, then 2 hours or more shuttle from DIA up I70 into the Rocky Mountains. I should arrive at Kip’s by about 6pm. Hopefully I won’t be a Debbie Downer for his New Years plans, I am pretty tired.
Hopefully Kip’s arse is ready, I am wearing a pair of blue AussieBums under my jeans and he is going to get a pounding tonight – hehehe.

What do you guys have planned for the weekend? There are a couple of rugby games on (the Rugby World Cup starts today in England). Unfortunately, it looks like the times are horrible – the first game worth watching is England v Fiji and it starts at 5am. Looks like most of the games are horrible early morning hours which sucks. I might just watch replays the day after.
After posting last week about my foursome on the beach, with all four of us wearing AussieBum’s there has been a bit of activity of guys telling me about and sharing their AussieBum pics and stories.
Here is a photo that was sent to me by one of the new forum members ( That AussieBum is just made for his perfect body!!!

And here are some pics of AussieBums with the logo on the front. Right now I have 2 pairs of Portsea’s, one with no logo which I wear often and even wear to the pool. Here is a pic of my 2 pairs of Portseas, a pair of classic blue (which are a little small but I like wearing them when swimming laps) and my Coolabah’s which are super super see through. Sorry for the crappy photo. The Portsea’s with the logo on the front was a gift a few years back from a guy who worked at AussieBum, I’m not sure if he had them custom made but it is pretty cool.

If you want to see some more hotties in their AussieBums I made up a promotional gallery – click here or