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Today was a glorious day here on the Australian Central Coast. I was up early banging out some work and by 9am I thought I deserved a little bit of time in my speedo in the great out doors.
So I packed up and headed north to Birdie Beach. Before leaving, I checked Grindr but it was a little too early and a little too much of a Tuesday for any Grindr potential. I decided to wear my white AussieBum Coolabah speedos which I really love but since they are white, they are SUPER see through when they are wet. This makes them a little bit inappropriate for use at the public pool or anywhere public for that matter so I don’t get to wear them as much as I would like.
In the spirit of me spending a couple of hours today wearing speedos which had a very very visible penis line (VPL), I thought I’d post a bunch of my favourite VPL pics for you guys.
Enjoy – and you know all these photos come from the archives of my site
May 22nd, 2017
Birdie Beach,
Central NSW Coast,
speedo boner,
visible penis line,
If happens to the best of us but last night it happened to all 3 of us!!!
Last night was a hoot, the entire crew here were out for dinner celebrating a new engagement, then we all hit up the Beery. It was great to see everyone out, the crew is getting older and there are some babies about so it is rare that everyone is out and partying.
As expected Alex and Adam came back to my place, we stripped down to speedos as soon as we walked in the door, we had a couple more drinks (not that we needed any more). The three of us ended up in my bed, hands everywhere but nobody was getting hard. I couldn’t believe that not one of us could get it up.
I’m pretty sure if one of us could have gotten it up, then the other two would have followed.
So in the end we all fell asleep, wearing only our speedos. Adam had to be up early for work and Alex had driven so they dragged their hungover butts out of bed and left me to sleep in.
Now I’m horny as all hell!!! I had 2 cocks, 2 butts and 2 willing mouths in my bed 5 hours ago and now I have a raging boner and no where to put it.
Never fear though, I am currently talking to a 21yo guy on Grindr who is in town with his family on holidays…. hopefully he can come over and fix this boner that is stretching the front of my ADIDAS speedos.

March 19th, 2017
Good morning everyone, I’m sitting here in San Francisco, just cleared all that customs stuff and I’m waiting for my connection to Denver.
It is definitely a little bit cooler than when I left Sydney 18 hours ago.
I still have a big of a mission to get to Kip’s place in Breckenridge, couple of hour connection, then 2 hours or more shuttle from DIA up I70 into the Rocky Mountains. I should arrive at Kip’s by about 6pm. Hopefully I won’t be a Debbie Downer for his New Years plans, I am pretty tired.
Hopefully Kip’s arse is ready, I am wearing a pair of blue AussieBums under my jeans and he is going to get a pounding tonight – hehehe.

December 31st, 2016
blue AussieBums,
blue speedo,
gay snowboarder,
gay travel,
Do guys ever have a day when you are just super horny?
Today is one of those days for me. Last night Alex came around but some other mates were hanging out so we couldn’t fuck. I was really looking forward to it, after reading the experience of Seattle Speedo Fan that I posted yesterday I was looking forward to recreating that experience and fucking Alex while we both wore our speedos. To top it off, just look at today’s “Speedo Photo of the Day” – that makes me horny all on its own.

Normally I would have jerked off at least once before I got out of bed but I’m kinda hoping that maybe Alex and I can manage a quickie at some point today. If he does, I want to cum on him.

I could jump on Grindr but weekends are kind of tricky since people have a habit of just dropping in.
Fingers crossed Alex and I can fit in a quickie otherwise I am going to have to start jerking off.
Here are some more speedo bondage pics just in case you need to get horny.
July 30th, 2016
masturbating in speedos,
morning wood,
speedo masturbation,
speedo sex
Hey guys, I’m just about to duck out to the pool for a swim and see Alex – probably no hanky panky in the change rooms being so busy.
Just a quick post for you guys – I’ve just finished uploading this new movie to and I’ll be posting a sample of it for you guys tomorrow.
I have been jerking off to this movie for the last 2 days, I’m not a fan of that tattoos but I love the blue speedos on this guy and his erection strains the front of them while he is making out with the 2nd guy.
See you guys tomorrow.

December 20th, 2015