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I’m guessing that you guys like watching gay porn featuring guys with speedos in them?
Right now I’m working on a new movie and here are some sample screen shots for you guys. I’ll publish it later this week and if you guys promise to be good, I’ll share a little bit of it with you.
I’m off for a surf, kinda grey out there so I think I’ll be wearing a wetsuit for the first time this year – grrrrr.

May 13th, 2017
A couple of days ago, maybe it was a week, I was talking about speedos being a gateway to gay….. and you guys pretty much 100% disagreed with me. That is OK, I love different ideas.
I still think I am right, in my case anyway. So if speedos are a gateway to gay, then red speedos…… there is no doubt that red speedos have caused gay experiences. That is a known fact right? To be honest, when I see a guy in red speedos I immediately think he is naughty.
Earlier in the year I had a cousin of mine and her boyfriend staying at my place. They were just great and was fun hanging out, the boyfriend grew up in Brissy so I lined up a surfboard for him and he brought his wetsuit. One day after a surf he stripped out of his wetsuit and was washing off in my outdoor shower (outdoor shower makes it sound fancy, it is more like a hose nailed to the side of the house).
The boyfriend stripped out of his wetsuit to reveal a red speedo brand speedo!!!
Anyone else turned on by a straight guy peeling off a wetsuit to reveal a red speedo and then showering outside my house?

December 11th, 2016
Do you guys get Twitter?
I have a Twitter account (@AussieSpeedoGuy) and I have like 500 followers (compared to 5,000 daily visitors on this blog). I just don’t get Twitter though – the few people I did ‘follow’ they posted soooooo much dribble I couldn’t keep up with it. And the people I want to follow, their stuff doesn’t come up because they aren’t ‘tweeting’ every 5 minutes.
I’d love to hear what you guys think.
I have a personal Facebook account (my Grandma is my friend) and I check on it pretty much every day, but Facebook shuts everything down related to ‘Adult’.
Here is something I saw on Twitter today – you can tell this guy loves speedos and he looks fantastic in that little purple number.

October 6th, 2016
Alex has met a boy….
….they fooled around for the first time last night and I think Alex is in love.
I think it is awesome. This is the first guy that Alex has picked up on his own, all his other experiences have been with me or group fuck sessions with guys that I’ve lined up.
I want to tell you guys more about Alex’s boy. I’m going to be discrete as Alex wants to play it cool as well as not having this guy read all about Alex’s introduction to his gay activities being known to this guy just yet. This is kind of the reason I create the blog membership – to be able to write about things I want to share but at the same time keep a little bit more private.
If you are a blog member, drop into the members blog so you can read more.
What I can tell you is that he is a triathlete, Alex is training for a triathlon which is how they met, and the new boy looks fantastic in speedos.
Join now to

August 16th, 2016
coming out,
first time,
gay radar,
speedo sex,
Over the last month I’ve posted a bit about first times.
It was my first ever MMF, bisexual threesome that started this blog back in 2005 (click here to read that story).
I was thinking the other day that I haven’t ever written about my first ever gay experiences, and I say experiences because it was over a summer and things built up slowly with my best friend at the time. My best friend, I’m going to call him Stephen (not his real name because I value other peoples privacy as much as I value my own), is otherwise 100% str8, I don’t see him too much but we keep in touch at least once a month on Skype and he has a long time girlfriend who is just lovely. As far as I’m aware, his only gay experience was with me and I think it was more of a ‘darn we are horny and too nerdy to pick up girls’ kind of thing for him.
Stephen knows about my blog and these sites, when the Evil Speedo Corporation sued me in the High Court it made the news papers and he was the first person to call me asking “Dave, is that you on the cover of the Sydney Morning Herald?” I doubt Stephen reads this blog though.
I’ve been wondering why I’ve never written about this and I suppose it is because it is something personal and it is something that we were both kind of fumbling around in the dark about our sexuality, what to do, how to do it, it definitely wasn’t some mind blowing sexual adventure like I’ve had with Alex over the last 12 months.
Now, with the members are of the blog, I feel like I can write about this with some degree of privacy.
Later today I’ll start writing about this, could be a long post. Stay posted guys.
The funny thing is, we tied each other up and used blindfolds because we thought it would be less gay….. sounds a lot more gay to me.

November 5th, 2015