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It has been too long since I posted but I did give you guys a lot to digest and read with two fantastic stories.
The weather has been pretty crappy the last week with the remains of the cyclone, it has meant the surf has been pretty big. The boys are 10x (maybe 100x better surfers than I am so yesterday morning, I left the board on the beach and just went out for a swim in my wetsuit). No working on the speedo tan for a little while by the looks of things, I’ve got some friends up on the Gold Coast where I grew up who had some flooding but nothing they haven’t seen before.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to post about to today and the mail man just came and he has some square cuts that I ordered from AussieBum (I don’t get any love from AussieBum at all but these were on sale). I really like them!!! They actually fit great and I’m wearing them as I sit here typing this blog post.
A couple of months ago I received a pair of square cuts from Mensuas (those guys are great – just google Mensuas to find them) and unfortunately they were just a little too small but I loved them too. Over the years I’ve tried to find square cuts as a bit of a ‘bridge’ between dork shorts and speedos but they have just never seemed to fit right, they bunch up in the crotch or they are too low in the back and I’m sporting a plumbers crack. This week I’ll get some photos of my new square cuts and share them with you guys (I only share selfies with the members – that was the original idea of the members area, somewhere I could share more ‘personal’/’intimate’ things that I didn’t really want 100% public.
Speaking of square cuts and membership – I’m working on a new movie. It has square cuts in it, one of the models doesn’t really do it for me, but they are poolside and wearing skimpy swimwear so I’m a fan. I am a fan of this guy……

You guys (members) will be able to watch this movie tomorrow – they don’t keep their square cuts on very long unfortunately, but it is still some hot HD action.

April 2nd, 2017
Part of Kip’s package yesterday is a pair of Vuthy square cut swimwear. Right now in my speedo collection is only 1 square cut style and it is a solid black AussieBum pair. I really don’t wear them much at all, they seem to bunch up in the crotch even when I’m just swimming.
I think they look really hot but that bunching up and not quite as easy access as speedo cut swimwear are two pretty big negatives for me.
What do you guys think?

December 16th, 2016
I just spoke to Kip on Skype (we pretty much talk every day even with the time difference) and he was super excited to receive some new speedos, square cuts and jockstrap from the guys over at The US based recipients of the recent promotion (16 of them) will have received their new Daddy underwear in the post over the last day or so.
These will be a nice addition to our hottub attire when I get over to Colorado just after New Years. Yes, I have booked my flight, it is horrible, it leaves on New Years Eve but I suppose that is why it was so cheap. I wonder if there will be a party on the plane?
The plan right now is to spend about 6 weeks in Colorado with Kip and in years past it has been amazingly debaucherous!!! I’m still trying to convince Alex to come over even if it is just for a couple of weeks. Kip and Alex met each other when Kip came over to Australia (click here to read about Kip’s first beach sex experience…. we were being watched).
Giveaways like this are just my way of saying how much I appreciate the support of my members.
Speaking of members, I have to get back to some work I’m doing on, I am thinking about fucking Kip while he is wearing that jockstrap though…… Mmmmm.

December 13th, 2016
Super late night post here guys, I’m just about to head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a big day…. Alex and his new ‘boyfriend’ Adam have invited me to an orgy at Adam’s. Some guys from Sydney are coming up and I’m really looking forward to it. I will tell you more about it tomorrow.
What I did want to post about tonight is….. has anyone ever heard of Inty Men Swimwear?
This months ‘Free Speedo’ winner chose a pair of Inty Men square cuts that look fantastic (pictured below). Curious to hear if anyone has heard of this brand.
The deal is, each month I can give away a free pair of speedos from the online store The winner gets to pick pretty much anything from their store. It started about 9 months ago when the guys from emailed me asking if they could send me products to promote and I thought it would be much cooler if I was able to give away a pair each month to new members. I do love my members.
So far the arrangement has worked out great and I can’t believe how quick the guys from ship stuff out. They sent me some dork shorts for my Lake Powell trip, fortunately on that trip I didn’t wear dork shorts at all…. hehehe.

October 13th, 2016
Kip and I are still working away feverishly on this new project so not much to report to you guys.
I just realized that I haven’t jerked off in 2 days – that is approaching a new PB (personal best). I did mention this to Alex and he said he’d drop by after work today and lend me a ‘hand’. I’m thinking ‘facial’. What do you guys think? I will let you guys know how it goes.
One thing I did want to share with you guys is this months speedo give away. It went to a new member from Hollywood which is kind of cool.
The speedo that he chose from is one from Daniel Alexander. Have you guys ever heard of that brand or bought from them? The speedo the winner chose looks pretty funky – I might have to order one myself. I have been super impressed in dealing with, their delivery is amazingly prompt.
I think they have a big sale on for the next 12 hours or so – check it out –
You guys know I love my members, it is their support that lets me keep the lights (servers) on, I appreciate the support of my members and love being able to share some of these ‘extra’ benefits.
OK, I’m back to the grind. Maybe today is the day we go live. I hope so.

July 28th, 2016