I’ve never really been a big fan of nuding (aka – getting naked) in public. I suppose I’m a grow’r, not a show’r, my cock isn’t huge when it is on the slack. Over the last few years I’ve spent a lot of time living in cold places…. which doesn’t help the first reason.
Saying that, some of my str8 buddies are big fans of getting naked in public. One guy in particular, who is 100% str8 (as far as I know) and is engaged, it seems like every time he gets super hammered, he nudes it up.
My fellow blogger Brenton at Aussielicious is a huge fan of nude beaches and just hanging out in the nude where as I find it hotter to be wearing a speedo.
So I tell you, I’m impressed with this guy in the pics below, it is obviously an AussieBum model shoot and he seems more than happy to drop his speedos in front of that brunette chick. Good on him!!!
This morning I’m working on some new movies which I’ll post here for members tomorrow so stay posted guys.

I was in late high school and my best friend was ‘Stephen’, not his real name but neither of us are ‘out’ so I think he’d appreciate me using an alias.
We were mates, both pretty good at school, neither of us much of athletes although we played everything, swimming, tennis, golf, rugby you name it we did it like most Aussie kids. Both Stephen and I were members of a Surf Life Saving Club so hanging out in speedos was no big deal. Saying that, if we weren’t doing life saving stuff, we would wearing speedos under our board shorts but wouldn’t wear only speedos all the time.
Both of us being a little nerdy we had the attention of some of the girls, we had both made out and grabbed a feel of girls at school dances but we weren’t even close to getting laid and neither of us really had girlfriends growing up.
I wish I could go back and visit myself then and tell my younger self that it will all be OK, I won’t die a virgin which was a thought in the back of my mind.
At the time I don’t think Stephen or I thought of ourselves as gay or even bisexual at all. I had always liked the way speedos felt and used them when I was masturbating, which was rather prolific, and I had trouble not getting an erection every time I put on a pair of speedos but again I remember pretty much being horny the whole time no matter what.
So one summer my parents had moved into a new house and there was a pool in the backyard, there was a bit of land and the pool was away from the house with a small games room which had a bathroom and shower in it, some old couches and a TV. As usual Stephen and I hung out all summer. Also that summer, Stephen discovered his Dads porno collection….. it was a bunch of old VHS videos, but a lot of them, like 60, maybe more. This was like discovering gold.
As summer started, our parents would hang out and have dinner parties and stuff so whenever they came over, Stephen would ‘borrow’ a movie from his Dad’s collection. Later in the evening when we knew the parents wouldn’t both us, Stephen and I would be down in the pool house and start watching these horrible, grainy old porno movies. I’m sure looking back I’d be ashamed of watching it, particularly considering the movie archive that I’ve build up on SwimmerBoyz.com (85 hours, searchable, HD and at my fingertips).
When these evenings started we would both be in our usual attire, board shorts with speedos under them since we were in and out of the water all day. We’d both be watching these movies, both with erections straining the front of our speedos. To start, we didn’t do anything but we’ve both have to ‘go to the bathroom’ when it became too much.
We both knew what the other was doing but at first we pretended not to.
Over a few weeks, we both got a little braver….

The first ‘sexual’ act between Stephen and I was after a few nights of watching the porno movies was us rubbing our cocks with our shorts still on. And by rubbing our cocks, just our own cocks, no touching yet.
We were still running off to the bathroom when we got too close.
Then on the 3rd night I’m guessing, Stephen got too close and came in his speedos. I still remember they were just a classic black lycra speedo. He was embarrassed but by now I was starting to want more than just getting horny in each others company. I tried to reassure Stephen and told him I was close to cumming too and once I did, we’ll go jump in the pool.
So I put my hand down the front of my board shorts, kept watching the movie and before long I was filling the front of my speedo with cum.

I’ll admit, I felt a little guilty/weird as well. That was the end of that evening and we went and jumped in the pool.
A couple of weeks later, the same routine happened…. neither of us had said a word about the first time we came in front of each other and I was hoping that Stephen hadn’t been scared off. Thankfully he wasn’t and he brought over another movie from his Dad’s collection.
We were both pretty coy to start but it is funny how once you get horny you get a lot braver and some inhibitions disappear.
Stephen had made the first move last time my cumming in his speedos and I had been thinking about what I’d do this time so once we were both horny, rubbing the outside of our board shorts, I told Stephen that I was going to take off my shorts “So I don’t get them messy”, was my justification.
At first Stephen sat on the couch next to me still wearing his board shorts while I was down to my black lycra speedos but after a few minutes he decided to remove his shorts.
Thankfully the parents never came down to the pool house, there was this crappy old intercom system that they would use when it was time for Stephen to go home or if they wanted us to come back up to the house. Can you imagine if anyone walked in, the two of us, down to our black speedos, raging boners watching Stephen’s Dad’s porn collection…..
Nobody ever interrupted us although we were pretty careful.
It didn’t take long before we were both cumming in our speedos. Since it was a mess we got up and headed for the pool, this time just wearing our speedos.
At this point I still hadn’t seen Stephen’s cock ever…. that would change the next time.
Guys, I am soooo horny writing about this and reminiscing. I write better when I’m horny and I’ve just cum in the front of a pair of red Arena speedos sitting here at my breakfast bar. I’m going to put a pair of shorts on and go for a swim in the ocean (normally I wouldn’t but there are a few people out on the beach today and my cum stain is pretty obvious.
I’ll continue this in the next couple of days.
I have time for a quick 5 minute post before Alex gets here.
A text message from him just a minute ago read:
Dave, I’m crazy horny. Can I cum around?
My response was in the affirmative.
Alex and I haven’t caught up in like 3 weeks so this booty call is needed on both our parts. I’m sure Alex has work tomorrow but any guesses on how many times I can make him cum?

I’m not going to talk about the rugby today except say congrats to my Kiwi mates on their victory.
The other day I was talking to a new blog member and he told me that his first gay experience came when he was 30yo. He was sitting in a spa at a gym/pool complex, he was wearing a speedo and didn’t think much of it since he was lap swimming. While sitting in the pool, another guy in a speedo joined him. After a while, the guy brushed his hand against his leg. The guy didn’t flinch and he touched his leg again, this time letting it rise up to the front of his speedo.
Then they ended up jerking each other off under water in the spa.
Hearing him tell this story was pretty hot and it got me reminiscing about my first gay experience. I don’t think I’ve ever written about it in detail but I think I will.
The guy who I had my first gay experiences with knows that I run gay sites but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know the exact address. If I get some time later today I might sit down with a drink, in my speedos and think back to where it all started. Yes, speedos were involved of course.