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Hi, my name is Amanda – not my real name but it will work for this – I’m a long time fan of Dave Speedo Evans and last weekend I had a chance to meet him, seduce him, fuck him and have a 3some with him. One of Dave’s requests before we met was if we did fool around, that I would write about it for his blog. So here I am, sitting in a hotel room writing about my weekend with the infamous Aussie Speedo Guy.
My name is Amanda, you already know that, I am in my late 20’s, I’m from New Jersey (no we are not all like the Jersey Shore morons), I went to college at CSU (which is in Colorado) where I was a walk on for the swim team. Colorado doesn’t produce too many elite swimmers as you can imagine. Right now I’m kinda between careers so I’ve taken a 12 months sebatical and travelling around Australia. From here I will head up into Asian for a few months and if nothing else happens I will head back to the states and resume being a grown-up.
Dave Speedo Evans
I first heard about Dave Speedo Evans 2 years ago. A gay friend of mine is a ski instructor in Colorado and over lunch we were talking about our love lives and he had met Dave Speedo Evans in the mountains and by the sounds of it had a pretty wild night with Dave and his friend Kip. I was given the website address of Dave’s blog and I’ve been a casual reader ever since. I have several gay friends and although I do not think I am a fag hag, hanging out with gay guys can sometimes be easier than hanging out with straight guys.
The only people I know in Australia are old family friends in Melbourne, I thought I would reach out to Dave Speedo Evans and say ‘gidday’. I emailed Dave Speedo Evans about 2 months ago and mentioned my ski instructor friend and that I might be passing through Terrigal/Newcastle/Gosford on my drive from Brisbane (where I flew in) and Melbourne (where I am planning on being based).
I couldn’t believe how nice the reply was that I received from Dave Speedo Evans. We became Facebook friends and as my trip approached I planned to spend a weekend at his place. That description might make it sound scary but we did have a mutual friend and if Dave Speedo Evans was a creeper I could just move on down the road.
My Fantasy
I am 100% straight, have never had anything but vanilla sex (one guy and me). Of course I think everybody has fantasies, even if they never intend on fulfilling them.
I enjoyed reading about Dave Speedo Evans exploits and was particularly engrossed in his deflowering of Alex, the straight guy who was fucking Dave Speedo Evans while he was maintaining (and living with) a girlfriend. The story of Dave Speedo Evans first threesome was the first story I read and I was enthawled as well as being a little turned on.
Talking about my fantasies is something I have never done, even to past boyfriends and the only reason I am writing about them here is because of the anonymity that the internet provides.
Speedos in themselves aren’t a big thing for me, growing up swimming guys wore speedos. I would prefer to see an attractive man in a speedo vs board shorts but too often it is the unattractive men that are wearing speedos. I’m not interested in girls, at all. I’ve never kissed a girl and have no intention on doing so. Now that I have the negatives out of the way…. the idea of 2 guys, 2 cocks, 2 tongues and 4 hands sounds like nirvana. I have never tried it, and I have never been close to executing a 2 guy threesome.
Now that I am in Australia I am hoping to try new things, shrimp on the barbie, surfing, scuba diving and a 2 guy threesome?
Coming into this trip, pulling off a 2 guy threesome isn’t a thing that I’d know how to make happen BUT since I’m going to hang out with the infamous Dave Speedo Evans, it might actually be in the realm of possibility. Sitting on the plane for 14 hours I didn’t assume this was a done deal, Dave Speedo Evans might be a dooche, or an 80yo man and look nothing like his photos… but you never know.
Arriving in Australia
So far Australia has been really easy, I spent a week in Brisbane, bought a car (white 2012 Camry), setup a bank account and got my new phone provider arranged (Telstra). Driving on the wrong side of the road is not as challenging as I expected with the exception of the roundabouts which I need to think about.
Leaving Brisbane I stopped at Fingal Beach as per Dave Speedo Evans advice, had fish and chips at Lennox Head watching dolfins from the headland and spent 2 nights in Byron Bay. It sounds as though Dave Speedo Evans doesn’t like Byron Bay but I thought it was cute and it was nice to be on the ocean. Thursday morning I jumped in my old person Camry and pointed towards Terrigal and Dave Speedo Evans….. I was feeling a little nervous.
Dave Speedo Evans
My phone GPS and the directions he gave me lead me right to Dave Speedo Evans front door. Which was completely open. Dave Speedo Evans had told me the door is usually open and to just let myself in.
I am from the east coast, you don’t leave your house open to the world so I still knocked and called out without any response….. I walked in. The house is pretty small, obviously just an old beach vacation cabin but it is RIGHT ON THE OCEAN. No joking, the rear door opens onto grass which tapers to sand which tapers to ocean. As I entered Dave Speedo Evans house I could see through to the ocean and a guy sitting in a lazy boy out on the grass. He was wearing a pair of board shorts, Colorado Rockies baseball cap (my Dad likes baseball and I went to college in Colorado), shirtless, laptop on his lap and a beer next to him.
My friend who had hooked up with Dave Speedo Evans said that he was pretty hot and 100% straight acting and that is pretty much what I thought when I saw him for the first time.
June 20th, 2016
Last night a girl slept in my bed……
And I slept on the couch.
A guy that Kip and I fucked in Colorado a few years ago put this chick in touch with me. She is from New Jersey but went to uni in Colorado and it is her first time in Australia. She is driving through on her way to Melbourne and she is crashing at my place for a few days.
She seems pretty cool and today I’m going to take her surfing, a mate dropped off a mini mal this morning which should work. I think the water temp right now is about 19C (66F) so it is a little cold but she is keen so it will be fine. I’ll be wearing a wetsuit though.
My plan is then to have lunch at the RSL, some more surfing later this arvo with the boys when they get off work and then I’m having everyone over for a BBQ.
So no naughty business for me the next couple of days, Alex did come over on Wednesday night and we both wore some AussieBum’s. I’ve posted a photo of those speedos for the members. Becoming a member is pretty cool – it is only $5, you can pay using PayPal, and it is members that allow me to share my experiences with you guys. Click here to join.
And as a little surprise just for you guys who are members – I just posted a speedo selfie.
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OK, time for me too cook breakfast. Man I am going to make a good wife one day – hahaha.
June 17th, 2016
Dave Evans,
Dave Speedo Evans,
scuba diving,
speedo selfie,
As you guys may expect, I get a lot of emails from random people. Most of them are fantastic, like one I got last week from a Surf Life Saver who loves speedos (he sent a photo, I’ll see if he will let me post it). Some emails I receive are weird, some are vague and I still get some hate mail mostly from religious nut jobs.
I am propositioned for sex nearly daily from all over the world.
I wish I had the time to reply to these emails but unless you are a member, I’m usually not able to.
I love my members, they are the ones who let me spend the time writing this post and I’m pretty sure I reply to like 99% of member emails (even if they are vague or weird). So if you would like to talk to me, just join (it is like $5).
So what I wanted to share with you guys today is a recent emailed I received. I’m not going to disclose this persons real name, leave a comment on what I should call him. Make it the first guy you ever slept with (mine is Tom). So Tom shoots me an email, he is 18yo, just started his last year of high school, is gay (thinks he is), has sucked cock and fooled around lightly with a guy but he wants to be fucked.
Tom attached a photo of his very very tastey looking butt, which has an amazing speedo tan. Turns out Tom is a swimmer, state representative level.
While Tom lives in Sydney, going to one of those all boys schools, his folks have a house a beach or two south of where I live so Tom has spent some time up here and drives up a bunch to hang out.
Did I mention that Tom wants to be fucked?
Normally I don’t reply to these emails (unless it is a member – of which I have fooled around with a few), but Tom’s butt and speedo tan are amazing.
What do you guys think I should do?
This picture below isn’t Tom but it is pretty darn close to his photo (and I made it today’s “Speedo Photo of the Day”).

April 20th, 2016
Over the last month I’ve posted a bit about first times.
It was my first ever MMF, bisexual threesome that started this blog back in 2005 (click here to read that story).
I was thinking the other day that I haven’t ever written about my first ever gay experiences, and I say experiences because it was over a summer and things built up slowly with my best friend at the time. My best friend, I’m going to call him Stephen (not his real name because I value other peoples privacy as much as I value my own), is otherwise 100% str8, I don’t see him too much but we keep in touch at least once a month on Skype and he has a long time girlfriend who is just lovely. As far as I’m aware, his only gay experience was with me and I think it was more of a ‘darn we are horny and too nerdy to pick up girls’ kind of thing for him.
Stephen knows about my blog and these sites, when the Evil Speedo Corporation sued me in the High Court it made the news papers and he was the first person to call me asking “Dave, is that you on the cover of the Sydney Morning Herald?” I doubt Stephen reads this blog though.
I’ve been wondering why I’ve never written about this and I suppose it is because it is something personal and it is something that we were both kind of fumbling around in the dark about our sexuality, what to do, how to do it, it definitely wasn’t some mind blowing sexual adventure like I’ve had with Alex over the last 12 months.
Now, with the members are of the blog, I feel like I can write about this with some degree of privacy.
Later today I’ll start writing about this, could be a long post. Stay posted guys.
The funny thing is, we tied each other up and used blindfolds because we thought it would be less gay….. sounds a lot more gay to me.

November 5th, 2015
Here are some pics that I’ve been wanting to post for ages. They are pics that I took with Surfer Chick.
I didn’t really want to post these publicly so it is great that this members area is here so I can.
Yes, Surfer Chick is wearing a Wicked Weasel and I am wear a pair of white DE Swimwear.

And here I am wearing a pair of red arena speedos. These were actually the first pics we took, we were kind of drunk and I just loved the view looking down as I fucked Surfer Chick from behind (not in the behind, we never got to that although she was keen to try it). When I was looking down I grabbed Surfer Chicks mobile phone and took some pics.
Turned out she loved the pics which is why we used it again in the top pics.
Unfortunately, she kind of dropped off the scene. It was around the time that Alex’s girlfriend found his Grindr profile and I think Surfer Chick was kind of concerned that I was bisexual, I hadn’t told her because she had made it clear that it freaked her out.
At least I have these memories……
Thanks for your support guys.

October 27th, 2015